Last weekend, I had the pleasure of presenting and participating in the Michigan Music Conference. Going to Grand Rapids and connecting with others at MMC is always a welcomed reprieve amidst midterms, grading, and shifting gears from Solo & Ensemble back into Festival season. In spite of the packed schedules and sometimes rushed conversations between friends on their way to various sessions, I'm always amazed at how rejuvenated I am to get back into teaching afterwards. This year's conference did not disappoint- loads of great concerts and sessions to provide food for thought as we look ahead to the second half of the school year. I also had the honor to participate in this year's Conductor's Symposium, which was a wonderfully humbling learning experience. (And having the chance to conduct the Western Michigan University Wind Symphony felt a bit like driving a Porsche!) Some of the best, most concentrated 10 minutes of PD I have ever received. Totally worth the ne...